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Babak Zargarian

Criminal Lawyer

Zoe Arghandewal

Human Rights & Employment Lawyer 

Zargarian Litigation

70 Church St Unit 2, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5H4, 250 713 8821

Worked for a Long Time and Just been Terminated?

Long service can be an important factor that could affect the amount of notice or payment that you are entitled to upon termination. We recommend speaking to an employment lawyer about your entitlements if you find yourself in this circumstance. One of Two Ways Length of Service can Affect Termination Pay The Employment Standards Act

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EI when you refuse to follow your employer’s vaccination policy

Are you entitled to benefit from employment insurance (EI) if you refuse to follow your employer’s vaccination policy?  Depends. Was it necessary for the business to have the employee vaccinated? If yes, then you’re likely not entitled to EI benefits. If no, then you may be entitled to EI benefits. Typically, the only time an

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Vaccine Passports in the Workplace, and Guidance from Service Canada

With vaccine numbers on the rise and vaccine passports fast becoming a mandatory requirement to enter into recreational events and businesses, many BC employees have found themselves questioning if there will be any exemptions to presenting proof of vaccination in the workplace. Here’s what you need to know. The Vaccine Passport System As of 13

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BC Human Rights Tribunal: A win against discriminatory termination

Zoe Arghandewal was counsel for the Complainant alleging one of the reasons her employer terminated her was because she had a physical disability. The Tribunal agreed with the Complainant and ordered the employer to pay compensation for wage loss, injury to dignity award, and pre-and-post judgment interest on those amounts. Notably, the complainant had signed

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What is Wrongful Dismissal – A Simplified Guide

Important Points to note in BC Wrongful Dismissal law Before terminating you (for any reason except for misconduct/just cause), your employer owes you either adequate notice or payment in lieu of that notice. Whether you received adequate notice or payment in lieu can be a legal question – please seek the assistance of an employment

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Can Employers Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine in Your Workplace?

On September 13, 2021, by order of the Provincial Health Officer, proof of vaccination will be required to access some events, services, and businesses. Policies at the workplaces may change and require workers to show proof of vaccination. Some workplaces are prioritized for vaccination because of the nature of the workplace and their safety concerns.

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Your Guide to Severance Agreements in BC

When an employer terminates an employee, one of the things that they may be offered is a severance package. This type of agreement can help to provide short term financial security for an individual who has been terminated from their place of employment. In British Columbia, there are specific guidelines in place for what needs

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