Federal Legislation

Canada Labour Code, RSC 1985, c L-2, sets out minimum employment standards for federal employees including standards governing collective bargaining and occupational health and safety. There are three general parts to the Act: Part I: Industrial Relations, Part II: Occupational Health and Safety, and Part III: Standard Hours, Wages, Vacations and Holidays.

Website: www.laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/L-2/index.html

Employment Equity Act, RSC 1995, c 44, helps achieve equality in the workplace with particular attention to inequalities that exist for women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and visible minorities.

Website: www.laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/e-5.401/

Employment Insurance Act, RSC 1996, c 23, outlines the requirements and qualifications for Employment Insurance.

Website: www.laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/E-5.6

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, RSC 2000, c 5, protects personal information collected and distributed electronically for employees in federal jurisdiction.

Website: www.laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/p-8.6

Provincial Legislation – Employees

Employment Standards Act, RSBC l996, c 113, (ESA) sets out minimum employment standards for provincial employees. On May 30, 2019, the Employment Standards Amendment Act received Royal Assent, and amendments set out therein are now in force.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/consol22/00_96113_01

Employment Standards Regulation, BC Reg 396/95, includes provisions on the scope of coverage and the penalty regime.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/loo97/loo97/396_95

Wills, Estates, and Succession Act, ss 175-180 deal with deceased workers’ wages.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/09013_01#division_d2e13620

Human Rights Code, RSBC l996, c 210, deals with discrimination in employment, among other things.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/Recon/document/ID/freeside/00_96210_01

Labour Relations Code, RSBC 1996, c 244, deals with union membership, collective bargaining, and the role of the Labour Relations Board.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96244_01

Workers’ Compensation Act, RSBC l996, c 492, governing Act of the Workers’ Compensation Board.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/lc/statreg/96492_00

Personal Information Protection Act, SBC 2003, c 63, sets out ground rules for how private sector and not-for-profit organizations may collect, use, or disclose information about an individual.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/Recon/document/ID/freeside/00_03063_01

Provincial Legislation – Contractors

Builder’s Lien Act, SBC l997, c 45, provides that a builder may file a lien against property for work and materials put into that property and sets out the procedure for filing a lien.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/97045_01

Repairers Lien Act, RSBC l996, c 404, states that a repairer may put a lien on chattel for work and materials put into that chattel.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96404_01

Woodworker Lien Act, RSBC l996, c 491, states that a woodworker may put a lien on logs or timber for work done or services performed.

Website: www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/consol26/consol26/00_96491_01